I’m a CS Ph.D. student @USC, advised by Prof. Jieyu Zhao. Before that, I was a M.Eng student at Graduated School of Creative Science and Engineering @Waseda University (早稲田大学), Tokyo, supervised by Prof. Masayuki Goto (Japanese only). I also spent my time as a research assistant @UMD, advised by Prof.Tianyi Zhou, and University of Tokyo (東京大学), advised by Prof.Irene Li. I also work closely with Jieyu Zhang, who focuses on interactive and data-centric AI/ML.

Research Interests: My research interest lies in the realm of Natural Language Processing. Specifically, I’m trying to answer the following questions:

  • How can we comprehensively evaluate an LLM in different domains?
  • How can we extend LLMs’ ability with minimal costs?
  • How can we let LLMs collaborate safely, efficiently, and effectively to solve real-world problems?

📢 News

[05/31/2024] A new preprint is released. Check Adaptive In-conversation Team Building for Language Model Agents for more details!

[04/10/2024] I will join CS@USC as a PhD student this fall!

[11/26/2023] I completed my first feature contribution to AutoGen! Check the AutoBuild’s blog for more details.

📝 Selected Publications

(* denotes equal contribution)



🧑‍🏫 Teaching

  • (TA) DSCI-250: Introduction to Data Science, 2024 Fall

👨‍💻 Internships

  • University of Tokyo - Research Assistant
    Advised by Irene Li
  • University of Maryland, College Park - Research Assistant
    Advised by Tianyi Zhou
  • University of Washington - Research Intern
    Advised by Alex Ratner and Jieyu Zhang

🏅 Professional Services

  • Reviewer: WACV 2023, ECML-PKDD 2023, NeurIPS 2023, DMLR 2023, ICLR 2024, AISTATS 2024, ACL 2024 (ARR Feb), NeurIPS 2024, EMNLP 2024 (ARR June), ICLR 2025, KDD 2025